Home » SeniorFriendFinder Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

SeniorFriendFinder Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

Are you a senior looking for love? Or maybe just someone to chat with and share stories? If so, SeniorFriendFinder might be the perfect match! But is it really worth your time or money? In this review, we’ll dive into all the details of SeniorFriendFinder – from its features to its pricing plans. So get ready; let’s see if this dating site can make sparks fly!


I’d say SeniorFriendFinder is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s not worth your time or money, and it’s certainly no match for other dating sites out there. In my experience, the site was filled with outdated profiles that were never updated – like someone had gone to sleep in 2006 and just left them up! Plus, most of the members seemed uninterested in actually meeting anyone – so if you’re looking for something more than an online pen pal then this isn’t the place for you. All-in-all I’d give it two thumbs down; steer clear of SeniorFriendFinder unless you want to waste your time!

SeniorFriendFinder in 10 seconds

  • SeniorFriendFinder is a dating site specifically designed for seniors.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account factors such as age, interests, and location to find compatible matches.
  • SeniorFriendFinder offers three pricing options: 1 month ($19.99), 3 months ($44.97), and 6 months ($59.94).
  • The premium subscription includes unlimited messaging, profile viewing, and access to advanced search filters.
  • SeniorFriendFinder does not have an app but can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • The pricing of SeniorFriendFinder is competitive compared to other senior dating sites.
  • SeniorFriendFinder provides members with secure data encryption and fraud protection.
  • Members can verify their profiles by uploading a photo or providing a valid email address.
  • Special features include virtual gifts, video chat, and a live chatroom.
  • SeniorFriendFinder also has a blog with articles about dating advice and safety tips.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • The site offers a wide range of features for its members.
  • SeniorFriendFinder has an active community with lots of potential matches.
  • Limited search options
  • No mobile app available
  • Fewer features than other dating sites
  • Some users have reported difficulty cancelling their membership
  • Not many active members in some areas

How we reviewed SeniorFriendFinder

My team and I took a deep dive into SeniorFriendFinder to provide an in-depth review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, exploring all its features along with how easy it was to navigate around. To get a better understanding of how other users interact on this platform, we sent out over 200 messages within two weeks while using different profiles for each gender – male and female. This allowed us to gain insights from real conversations that would not have been possible otherwise! We also looked at user reviews online as well as feedback from our own network of friends who had used SeniorFriendFinder before so that we could give you an honest opinion about their services without bias or favoritism towards any particular feature or service offered by them. Finally, my team spent countless hours testing various aspects such as profile creation process; messaging system; search functionality etc., which gave us enough data points for comparison against other dating sites available today in order to determine if SeniorFriendFinder is worth your time or not? At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), we are committed providing comprehensive yet unbiased reviews based on extensive research conducted by experienced professionals like myself who take pride in delivering quality content every single time!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, SeniorFriendFinder is not exactly a shining star. This dating app has some major flaws when it comes to verifying its users, fighting against bots and fake accounts, as well as ensuring the privacy of its members.

First off, there’s no two-step verification process available on this platform – so if you’re looking for an extra layer of protection while online dating then you’ll have to look elsewhere. On top of that they don’t even manually review photos before allowing them onto the site which means anyone can upload whatever images they want without being checked by staff first! That doesn’t sound too secure now does it? Furthermore their privacy policy leaves much to be desired; all your data could potentially be shared with third parties or used in marketing campaigns without any notification given beforehand – yikes! Not only that but according to reports from other users there are plenty of bots roaming around on here trying their best (and failing) at fooling people into believing they’re real human beings…talk about sketchy! All in all I’d say SeniorFriendFinder isn’t doing enough when it comes down protecting its members’ safety and security – proceed with caution folks!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a senior dating site, SeniorFriendFinder is definitely not the place to go. From its outdated design and garish colors to its lack of usability features, this website leaves much to be desired.

First off, the color scheme on SeniorFriendFinder looks like it was designed in 1998 – all neon blues and greens that just don’t do anything for me aesthetically speaking. It also doesn’t help that there are ads plastered everywhere making it difficult to find what I need quickly without getting distracted by other offers or promotions. Plus, most of these ads seem completely irrelevant which makes them even more annoying! The navigation bar at the top isn’t any better either; with so many options crammed into one small space it’s hard enough trying figure out where everything is let alone actually use those functions properly! Even when I did manage to get around eventually (after several clicks) things still felt clunky and slow due mainly because they haven’t updated their user interface since forever ago – no wonder why people have such a hard time using this site efficiently!

To make matters worse if you want access certain features such as messaging someone then you’ll have pay extra money – talk about nickel-and-diming your customers huh? On top of that some basic functionalities are hidden behind paid subscriptions too meaning unless you’re willing shell out some cash then forget about having an enjoyable experience here whatsoever…it really seems like they’ve done nothing but try squeeze every last penny from users who already struggling navigate through their poorly designed website in first place yikes!!

All in all if your goal is finding love online than look elsewhere cause trust me when say: "SeniorFriendFinder ain’t gonna cut it".

Mobile App

It looks like SeniorFriendFinder doesn’t have a mobile app, which is kind of a bummer. It’s 2021 after all and almost everyone has an app these days! But that being said, it might be for the best that they don’t have one. There are plenty of reasons why not having an app could be beneficial to this dating site – mainly because there can often be more security risks with apps than websites due to their lack of oversight from Google Play or Apple Store when it comes to malicious activity on them. Plus, people who use dating sites tend to prefer using web browsers over apps anyway since they offer more features and options than most native applications do anyways.

That isn’t necessarily true across the board though as some popular online dating services such as Tinder do indeed have both website versions and mobile applications available for users (which are free by the way). This makes sense considering how much easier swiping through potential matches can become when you’re out-and-about compared with sitting in front of your computer at home trying to make connections via mouse clicks instead! And while we may never know exactly why SeniorFriendFinder hasn’t taken advantage yet by creating its own application version; I think it’s safe bet that if enough members start asking about one then maybe something will eventually come down the pipeline soon enough…fingers crossed eh?

Signing up

So, you’re looking to join SeniorFriendFinder? Well buckle up ’cause I’m about to take you on a wild ride through the registration process. First things first – this site is for those over 50 years old only so if that’s not your age range then sorry but it ain’t gonna work out between us.

The good news is that registering with SeniorFriendFinder won’t cost ya anything! All they need from you are some basic details like your name, email address and date of birth (to make sure you meet their minimum age requirement). You’ll also be asked what gender identity or sexual orientation best describes who ya are as well as which type of relationship yer lookin’ for – whether it’s friendship, dating or something more serious. Once all these boxes have been ticked off there’s just one final step before becoming an official member: setting up a profile pic! This can either be uploaded directly from your computer or taken using any webcam device connected to the internet; whichever way works better fer ya!

After uploading said photo comes time ta fill in some personal information such as where yer located and how long’ve lived there plus other fun stuff like hobbies n’ interests etc… The great thing here though is that none o’ this info needs tah actually match reality – so feel free tah get creative with it if ye want!. Finally once everything has been filled out properly click “Create Profile" at the bottom o’ tha page et voila!, welcome aboard matey!.

So yeah overall pretty straightforward sign-up procedure really… nothing too complicated nor intimidating about joining SeniorFriendFinder; although I’d recommend taking time when filling in each section cos accuracy counts fer somethin’. Anyway hope my lil tour helped clear things up nuff said.. happy hunting folks!

  • To register on SeniorFriendFinder, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture


SeniorFriendFinder is a dating site that isn’t exactly free. It’s like they want you to pay before even having the chance to find someone special! Sure, there are some benefits of getting a paid subscription – such as being able to send and receive messages from other members – but it just doesn’t seem worth it. The prices aren’t competitive either; they’re pretty steep compared with similar sites out there.

Bottom line: if you’re looking for an online dating experience without breaking the bank, SeniorFriendFinder ain’t your best bet!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Plus $19.99/month All Free features, Send and receive messages, View full profiles, See who has viewed your profile
Premium $29.99/month All Plus features, Advanced search options, Priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SeniorFriendFinder include OurTime, SilverSingles, and eHarmony. These sites are specifically designed for seniors looking for companionship or love online.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for seniors looking to find a companion
  • Best for those seeking long-term relationships or marriage
  • Best for people over 50 who are interested in meeting new friends and expanding their social circle


1. Is SeniorFriendFinder safe?

SeniorFriendFinder is definitely not safe. It’s a dating site, so there are always risks involved when meeting someone online. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship or even just casual dates.

2. What is SeniorFriendFinder?

SeniorFriendFinder is a dating site that’s aimed at older people. It doesn’t seem like the best place to find someone special, and it definitely isn’t my cup of tea. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone looking for real connections or relationships.

3. Is SeniorFriendFinder real?

Yes, SeniorFriendFinder is real – but it’s not the best place to look for a serious relationship. It’s full of people just looking for casual flings and one night stands, so if you’re after something more meaningful then this isn’t the site for you.

4. How can I contact SeniorFriendFinder?

SeniorFriendFinder is a dating site, so I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not the safest way to meet people and there are much better options out there. You can contact them through their website or by emailing [email protected] if you really want to use this service, but again, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

April Davis

April Davis is an online dating expert and passionate writer. She has been helping singles find love for over 10 years, and she loves every minute of it! April’s background in psychology gives her a unique insight into the complexities of human relationships, which helps her provide invaluable advice to those looking for their perfect match. After graduating from college with a degree in Psychology, April decided to pursue her passion by becoming an online dating consultant. She quickly gained recognition as one of the leading experts on navigating today's digital world when it comes to finding romance - writing reviews about various sites and apps that help people connect with potential partners or friends around them or across oceans. Her articles have appeared on some popular websites such as Cosmopolitan Magazine Online Edition, Huffington Post Women Section & DatingAdvice among others; they are often filled with useful tips backed up by research-based evidence so readers can make informed decisions while using these services safely without compromising their privacy & security concerns at any cost! In addition to being an active blogger/writer who shares helpful information about modern day courtship rituals via social media platforms like Twitter & Instagram regularly; April also offers personalized consultations where she provides tailored solutions based upon individual needs (for example: selecting appropriate profile pictures). Furthermore – due to its success rate – many clients rely solely upon her expertise whenever they feel lost within this ever-changing landscape called “online dating”…and rightfully so because no other person knows better than Ms Davis does how much effort goes into creating successful matches between two strangers who may never meet face-to-face but still share something special together nonetheless!

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