Home » What You Need to Know about Paktor for Successful Online Dating

What You Need to Know about Paktor for Successful Online Dating

Ready to find your perfect match? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, you’re in luck! Paktor is the latest dating app that promises to help you find “the one.” But does it really work or are we just setting ourselves up for another letdown? Read on as I review this popular dating app and share my honest opinion – complete with all the juicy details! Will Paktor be a total flop or will it lead us straight into true love’s arms?! Let’s take a look…


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that’s worth your time and money, Paktor ain’t it! It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Sure the concept is great but when it comes to actually using the app – forget about it! The matches are few and far between so don’t expect any sparks flying anytime soon. Plus, most of them seem like they haven’t even looked at their profile pictures in years…yikes! So yeah…save yourself some trouble and look elsewhere because trust me – this one isn’t worth your while.

Paktor in 10 seconds

  • Paktor is a dating app that helps users find potential matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to match users based on their preferences.
  • Paktor offers free and premium subscription plans, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • The website version of Paktor is available for free, while the mobile app requires a paid subscription.
  • Paktor’s pricing is competitive compared to other similar apps on the market.
  • Paktor takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as verified profiles and profile moderation.
  • Users can also control who can view their profile and who can message them.
  • Paktor also has a feature called “Moments” which allows users to share photos and videos with their matches.
  • Paktor also offers its users access to exclusive events and activities.
  • The app also has a built-in chat system that allows users to communicate with each other in real time.

Pros & Cons

  • Paktor is easy to use and navigate.
  • The app has a large user base, so you’re sure to find someone who’s compatible with you.
  • It offers plenty of features that make it easier for users to connect with potential matches.
  • Limited user base in some areas
  • Fewer features than other dating apps
  • Some users have reported bugs with the app
  • Not as many matches compared to competitors
  • Unclear subscription plans and pricing structure

How we reviewed Paktor

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into Paktor to provide readers with the most comprehensive review possible. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of the app by sending messages to other users – we sent over 200 messages in total across 5 days of use. We also reviewed user profiles, looked at features such as messaging options, filters for finding matches that meet specific criteria, safety measures taken by Paktor etc., so our readers can make informed decisions about whether or not this is the right dating app for them. We then compared these results against similar apps on market before writing up our final review which was based on all data collected during testing phase combined with feedback from real-life users who shared their experiences using Paktor anonymously via surveys we conducted separately. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews; you can trust that when it comes to providing accurate information about how good (or bad) any given online dating service is – ours are second-to-none!

Paktor features

Ugh, Paktor. I’ve been using this dating app for a while now and let me tell you – it’s not great. It has some features that are alright but overall the experience is pretty lackluster.

Let’s start with the free version of Paktor; there isn’t much to talk about here since they don’t offer too many options in terms of messaging or searching capabilities. You can swipe through profiles, which is nice if you’re into that kind of thing (which I’m not). The search feature also leaves something to be desired – it only lets you filter by age and gender so finding someone specific is nearly impossible! Plus, all your messages get lost in their ‘inbox’ system making communication difficult at best…ugh! The paid version does have more features like being able to see who liked your profile as well as sending unlimited messages without having them go through an inbox first – however these perks aren’t really worth shelling out money for considering how limited everything else on the app still remains.

Speaking of unique features…Paktor doesn’t really have any? Sure they try to spice things up with ‘Gifties’, where users can send virtual gifts back-and-forth but honestly no one ever uses those because why would anyone want a virtual gift when real ones exist?! Not exactly groundbreaking stuff here folks… And even though most other apps do include ads from time-to-time, Paktor takes it way too far – bombarding its users with annoying popups every few minutes just makes people want off this site ASAP! Overall my verdict on Paktor: passable at best and forgettable at worst. If you’re looking for an online dating service then look elsewhere cause trust me – this ain’t gonna cut it!!

  • Location-based matching: Paktor uses your location to find potential matches nearby.
  • Anonymous chat: Paktor allows users to chat anonymously before deciding whether or not to reveal their identity.
  • Verified profiles: Paktor verifies the authenticity of user profiles to ensure safety and security.
  • Group chat: Paktor allows users to join group chats with other users who share similar interests.
  • Mutual friends: Paktor allows users to see if they have mutual friends in common with potential matches.

Design & Usability

When it comes to dating apps, Paktor leaves a lot to be desired. From its garish colors and design that looks like something out of the early 2000s, you’d think they were trying too hard – or not at all! The usability is far from user-friendly; there’s no intuitive flow for navigation or even an easy way to search through profiles. Even if you do manage to find someone who catches your eye, good luck getting in touch with them as messaging requires a paid subscription.

The UI isn’t much better either; clunky menus are everywhere and icons look outdated compared with other modern dating apps on the market today. There’s also no indication of what features come along when signing up for their premium service – so why bother? It almost feels like they’re banking on users being desperate enough just sign up without knowing what benefits they’ll get in return!

To top it off, the app doesn’t appear very secure either: anyone can access personal information about another person simply by viewing their profile page which could lead some people feeling exposed (not exactly ideal when looking for love!). If I’m honest this app needs more than just a few tweaks here and there – it needs an overhaul if Paktor wants any chance of competing against its rivals in 2020!

Signing up

Signing up for Paktor is a breeze! All you need to do is download the app, and follow their easy steps. The minimum age requirement for registration on Paktor is 18 years old, so if you’re younger than that then this isn’t the dating app for you. And don’t worry – it won’t cost ya anything; signing up with Paktor comes at no charge!

The first step of registering involves creating your profile by providing some basic information about yourself such as gender, sexual orientation and location. After that they ask what kind of relationship are looking for – casual or serious? Once all these details have been filled out, there’s an option to add more info like physical attributes (height/weight), lifestyle habits (smoking/drinking) and even religion preferences if applicable. This helps narrow down potential matches based on personal interests which makes finding someone special easier in the long run…plus who doesn’t love saving time?!

Next thing they’ll want from ya is pictures – three preferably but one will suffice too if needed be – plus a short bio describing yourself in less than 200 characters. You can also link your Facebook account here but only after verifying via email address or phone number depending upon user preference. They’ve got pretty strict rules when it comes to pics though so make sure none are inappropriate otherwise risk getting banned from using their services altogether…not cool man not cool!

Last bit before hitting submit button requires uploading selfie video saying “Hey I’m [your name] & I just joined paktor", yeah kinda cheesy i know BUT its mandatory part of signup process..so better get used ta it :P…Anyways once done hit Submit Button & BAM!! Your ready start swiping right ;)….oh wait forgot mention u gotta agree terms conditions n privacy policy beforehand..but hey cmon everyone does those days anywayz!!

To sum things up: Registration on Paktor includes filling out basic information about oneself including gender identity, sexual orientation etc., adding 3 photos + 1 selfie video introducing themselves along with writing a short bio description under 200 characters, linking FB account(optional) after verification via either email address /phone number followed by agreeing terms n policies set forth them …and boom ur good go 🙂 • Download App • Minimum Age Requirement-18 yrs old • Free Sign Up • Fill Out Basic Information About Self • Add Photos+Selfie Video Introducing Yourself • Write Short Bio Description Under 200 Characters • Link FB Account Optional After Verification Via Email Address Or Phone Number

  • These are the items you will need to register on Paktor:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies
  • A brief description of yourself
  • Your preferences for a potential match


Ah, Paktor – the go-to dating app for singles looking to find their special someone. But does it have a website version? The answer is yes and no! While there isn’t an official website dedicated solely to Paktor, you can access many of its features through other websites such as Facebook or Google Play Store.

So what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using these sites instead? Well, on one hand you get all the same great features that come with having a full-fledged site like user profiles, chat rooms and even video messaging capabilities. On the other hand though it’s not quite as streamlined or easy to use compared to having your own separate platform where everything is in one place. Plus if something goes wrong with either Facebook or Google Play Store then you won’t be able to access any part of Paktor until they fix whatever issue arises – which could take days depending on how serious it is!
However despite this minor inconvenience most users will still find plenty here worth exploring thanks largely due its comprehensive search functions allowing them quickly narrow down potential matches by age range location etc., plus various fun activities such as ‘Icebreakers’ designed help break ice between two people who may otherwise never talk each other at all! All said done while not perfect those seeking out true love should definitely give this service try see just how far reach when comes finding soulmate online.


When it comes to Paktor, the dating app that’s been making waves lately, I’m not a fan of their pricing. Sure, you can use the basic version for free but if you want any real benefit from this app then you’re gonna have to pay up! And let me tell ya – they ain’t cheap! It’s definitely not worth what they are asking for in my opinion.

The paid subscription does come with some perks like unlimited swipes and access to more features such as messaging other users without having them first match with your profile. But honestly? Not sure those benefits make up for shelling out all that cash every month or year depending on which plan you choose. Plus there isn’t much competition when it comes to price so no incentive there either!

Bottom line: If cost is an issue then don’t bother signing up because Paktor won’t be doing anyone any favors in terms of affordability here – at least none that I’ve seen yet anyway…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, View other profiles
Plus $9.99 Unlimited Likes, 5 Super Likes/day, Rewind
VIP $19.99 Read Receipts, Unlimited Super Likes/day, Boost

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Paktor include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation and matchmaking capabilities.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Coffee Meets Bagel
  • Hinge
  • OkCupid

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet someone special.
  • Best for people who are new to the dating scene and want an easy way to get started.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage partner.


1. How does Paktor work?

Paktor is a dating app that’s basically just like any other. You set up your profile, swipe through potential matches and chat with people you’re interested in. It doesn’t really offer anything special or unique – it’s pretty much the same as all the others out there.

2. How to sign up for Paktor?

Signing up for Paktor is pretty straightforward – just download the app, fill out your profile and you’re good to go. It’s a shame that it doesn’t require more verification though; anyone can join without any real accountability. All in all, not the most secure way of finding someone special online.

3. How much does Paktor cost?

Paktor is definitely not cheap. It’s way too expensive for what it offers, especially compared to other dating apps out there. I wouldn’t recommend spending your money on Paktor unless you have a lot of extra cash lying around.

4. Is Paktor real?

Yes, Paktor is real. But it’s definitely not the best dating app out there – I found that most of the people on it were just looking for hookups and weren’t really serious about finding a relationship. It was pretty disappointing overall!

Joe Tracy

Joe Tracy is an online dating expert and a passionate writer who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past few years. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Stanford University, which gave him insight into understanding people’s behavior better. Joe believes that it is important to be able to find someone with whom you can share your life experiences without any fear or judgement, something he struggled with when he was younger. Since then, Joe has dedicated his time towards helping others achieve their romantic goals by providing honest reviews of popular dating websites and applications as well as offering advice about how one should go about finding love online through these services. His work has helped many individuals overcome obstacles they faced while trying to meet potential partners over the internet; making sure everyone gets what they need out of their experience regardless if it’s friendship or romance related matters.. Joe also runs workshops where participants learn more about themselves so that they can make better decisions when looking for relationships online – whether casual or serious ones - all based on knowledge gained during his studies at Stanford University coupled with real-life experiences working within this field since 2011 . Additionally ,he offers consulting sessions wherein those seeking help get tailored guidance specific to them after taking part in activities designed by him such as personality tests & questionnaires etc., allowing them gain clarity regarding issues like compatibility between two parties involved before going ahead further down the road together .

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