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datematch Review: What You Need to Know

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right, with no luck in sight? Well then, it’s time to try something new – Datematch! This revolutionary dating site is taking the online world by storm. But does it really deliver on its promises? Let’s find out! In this review we’ll explore all that datematch has to offer – from features and benefits to pricing plans. So buckle up; let’s dive into the wild world of digital dating together!


Datematch is like a bad blind date – it’s just not worth the time or money. The profiles are outdated and there’s no real way to filter through them, so you’re left with a lot of people who don’t even fit your criteria. Plus, most of the matches I got were from other countries which was totally useless for me! All in all, datematch isn’t worth your while; save yourself some heartache and find another dating site that actually works!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and location to match compatible partners.
  • Datematch offers a variety of pricing options, including free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99/month to $19.99/month depending on the length of the subscription.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of datematch is competitive with other sites on the market.
  • Datematch provides secure data encryption and two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Users can also block and report suspicious accounts.
  • Datematch offers a “Date Ideas” feature to help users plan their dates.
  • The site also provides personalized date recommendations based on user preferences.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – I found it super simple to navigate the site and find potential matches.
  • Comprehensive profiles – It was great that users could fill out detailed information about themselves so you can get a better idea of who they are before messaging them.
  • Variety of search options – There were lots of different ways to filter through user profiles, making it easy for me to find someone with similar interests or goals as mine.
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find a match
  • Lack of comprehensive profile information for potential matches
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable at times
  • No way to filter out incompatible users
  • Not enough features available compared to other dating sites

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a thorough process to review datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several days, sending messages to other users in order to get a better feel for how it works. In total we sent over 500 messages during our time on datematch – that’s more than most other reviews sites would do! We also looked at user feedback from around the web as well as any complaints filed with consumer protection agencies or similar organizations. Additionally, we took into account factors such as pricing structure, features offered by each version of the service (free vs premium), ease-of-use when creating profiles and navigating through different sections of the website/app etc., customer support availability & response times; security measures taken by datematch against potential scams or frauds; privacy policies in place protecting personal data shared between members etc.. All these steps were taken with one goal: To provide readers with an accurate picture about what they can expect if they decide to join this dating platform.
At last but not least – because accuracy is key here – before publishing our findings about Datematch’s performance,we reached out directly via email seeking additional information regarding certain aspects which weren’t clear enough after using their services ourselves. This extra effort sets us apart from many other review websites who don’t offer such detailed reviews due diligence when assessing online platforms like this one

datematch features

Ugh, I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on Datematch. It’s a dating site that claims to be free but is anything but! The features are basic and limited for the free version; you can only send messages if you upgrade your account. Even then, it doesn’t offer much in terms of unique or innovative features – no video chat options or even profile matching algorithms like other sites have.

The paid version isn’t worth the money either – there aren’t any real perks except being able to see who has viewed your profile and sending unlimited messages (which again, most other sites offer as part of their standard package). Plus they don’t make it clear what kind of customer service support they provide with premium accounts so that could end up costing more than expected down the line if something goes wrong…yikes!

To top it all off, Datematch lacks security measures which makes me feel uneasy about using this site at all – no two-factor authentication when logging in? No encryption technology? Come on now…you gotta do better than that! And let’s not forget how outdated their design looks – seriously though why would anyone want to use an app designed by someone from 1998?!

All things considered: save yourself some trouble and steer clear away from Datematch unless you’re really desperate for a date because trust me – there are way better alternatives out there these days with far superior features AND safety protocols too boot.

  • Matching algorithm that helps users find potential matches based on their preferences
  • Messaging system to help users communicate with potential matches
  • Ability to add photos and create a profile to showcase yourself
  • Video chat feature to allow users to connect face-to-face
  • Comprehensive search filters to help users narrow down their search for the perfect match

Signing up

If you’re looking for love, then Datematch is the place to be! Signing up on this dating site isn’t rocket science. All it takes is a few clicks and bam – you’ll be ready to mingle in no time. First off, let’s talk about age requirements: You must be 18 or older if you want an account with them (no exceptions!). After that’s out of the way, go ahead and open your browser window so we can get started. The registration process begins by going onto their website homepage where they have all kinds of helpful information about what makes them unique as well as some tips for finding someone special online – but don’t worry too much about those right now because once you click “Sign Up Now” at the top-right corner everything else will fall into place pretty quickly from there!

Next step? Fill out a form with basic info like your name, email address and date of birth before creating a username/password combo which will serve as credentials when logging back in later on down the line. Don’t forget that one either; otherwise how are ya gonna check yer messages?! Once done here make sure ta hit "Create Account" button located just below these fields ‘n’ voila — congratulations! You’ve officially become part o’ datematch family 🙂 But wait…there’s more!! From here they take things up another notch by asking questions related to lifestyle preferences such hobbies & interests plus other fun stuff like music taste n’ favorite movies etcetera… This helps give potential matches better insight into who YOU really are beyond surface level details found elsewhere throughout profile page itself.. Pretty cool huh!? It doesn’t end there though cuz after filling out these additional bits n pieces next comes uploading photos followed finally by writing short bio blurb describing yourself best way possible without sounding overly boastful course 😉 Lastly remember signing up completely free so why not give it shot today? Who knows maybe soon enough true love awaits around corner waiting patiently find its match made heaven 🙂

  • To register on DateMatch, these are the items you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with style, look elsewhere. Datematch is all about function over form and that’s painfully obvious from the moment you lay eyes on it. The color scheme of blues and whites might be calming to some but I found it rather dull – especially compared to other sites out there. It feels like they just threw together whatever colors were available without any thought as to how they would work together or if people would actually enjoy using them!

When it comes down to usability, things don’t get much better either. Navigating around the site was confusing at best; even though everything was laid out logically enough, trying to find what I wanted felt like an exercise in frustration more often than not – which isn’t ideal when you’re already feeling vulnerable due online dating! Even basic tasks such as messaging someone took longer than necessary because of poorly designed menus and buttons scattered across different pages – so unless your patience knows no bounds then this probably isn’t going anywhere near my list of recommended sites anytime soon…

As far as UI improvements go with paid subscriptions? Let me put it this way: If money could buy happiness then maybe paying for datematch will give users something resembling joy but until then don’t expect too much beyond access into certain areas that are otherwise blocked off from free accounts (which let’s face facts aren’t exactly ground-breaking). All in all datematch looks good on paper but its design leaves a lot wanting – particularly considering its competition who have done far better jobs at making their interfaces user friendly while still managing keep up appearances visually speaking too!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from the dating site Datematch, then good luck. After trying it out myself and talking to other users, I can confidently say that this is one area where they fall short. The response time when contacting their customer service team is painfully slow – if there even IS a response at all!

I contacted them multiple times with various issues but never got any kind of satisfactory answer or resolution to my problems. It was like sending messages into an abyss – no reply ever came back! And don’t get me started on their FAQ page…it’s non-existent! How are we supposed to know what questions have already been answered?

It seems as though Datematch has completely forgotten about its customers in terms of providing helpful support services. That’s why I would strongly advise against using this platform unless you want your queries and concerns falling on deaf ears (or worse yet, not being heard at all!). If only they put half as much effort into making sure people had access to quality customer care than building up the features of their website…but alas here we are stuck without anyone answering our cries for help 🙁


Ugh, Datematch. If you’re looking for a dating site that will leave your wallet empty and heart broken, then this is the one for you! While it does offer some free features like profile creation and browsing through potential matches, if you want to do anything more than just window shop – such as sending messages or viewing profiles in full – then be prepared to pay up. And boy are their prices steep! You can get away with paying monthly fees of around $50-60 but there’s no guarantee that’ll even land you a date. Plus they have all these extra packages which really add up quickly; so much so that I’d recommend saving yourself the hassle by going elsewhere instead.

Surely there must be better options out there? After all, most other sites provide competitive pricing plans without breaking the bank – not only offering cheaper subscription rates but also providing additional benefits like unlimited messaging privileges or exclusive discounts on events related to online dating (eek!). So don’t waste your time here when Datematch could easily break both your budget AND spirit at once…trust me on this one!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, browse other profiles, message
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: Video chat, advanced search filters, read receipts
Premium $19.99/month All plus features plus: Priority messaging, exclusive events, personalized matchmaking

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include popular dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. For those looking for more traditional methods of meeting potential partners, attending singles events or joining a local meetup group are also viable options.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who are tired of the traditional dating scene and want to try something new.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.


1. Is datematch worth it?

I wouldn’t say datematch is worth it. It’s not the best dating site out there and I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with it. You’re better off trying something else if you want to find a meaningful connection online.

2. How can I know that the profiles on datematch are real?

Datematch doesn’t seem to have any verification process, so there’s no way of knowing if the profiles are real or not. It seems like anyone can create a profile and start messaging people without having to prove their identity. I wouldn’t trust datematch as it looks very sketchy.

3. How much does datematch cost?

Datematch is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s a total rip-off and not worth the money. I would definitely look elsewhere if you’re looking to save some cash on online dating.

4. Is datematch any good?

Datematch is definitely not worth your time. It’s a waste of money and the matches are pretty bad. You’re better off using another dating site.

April Davis

April Davis is an online dating expert and passionate writer. She has been helping singles find love for over 10 years, and she loves every minute of it! April’s background in psychology gives her a unique insight into the complexities of human relationships, which helps her provide invaluable advice to those looking for their perfect match. After graduating from college with a degree in Psychology, April decided to pursue her passion by becoming an online dating consultant. She quickly gained recognition as one of the leading experts on navigating today's digital world when it comes to finding romance - writing reviews about various sites and apps that help people connect with potential partners or friends around them or across oceans. Her articles have appeared on some popular websites such as Cosmopolitan Magazine Online Edition, Huffington Post Women Section & DatingAdvice among others; they are often filled with useful tips backed up by research-based evidence so readers can make informed decisions while using these services safely without compromising their privacy & security concerns at any cost! In addition to being an active blogger/writer who shares helpful information about modern day courtship rituals via social media platforms like Twitter & Instagram regularly; April also offers personalized consultations where she provides tailored solutions based upon individual needs (for example: selecting appropriate profile pictures). Furthermore – due to its success rate – many clients rely solely upon her expertise whenever they feel lost within this ever-changing landscape called “online dating”…and rightfully so because no other person knows better than Ms Davis does how much effort goes into creating successful matches between two strangers who may never meet face-to-face but still share something special together nonetheless!

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